- my beloved cottonwood trees!
- en-suite half-bath
- living at the end of a cul-de-sac
- living within walking distance of Albertsons & Cafe Rio
- birdwatching on the balcony, even though the railing isn't super stable and the couch is probably thirty years old and the new flooring still smells a little like glue ten months later...
- the unfathomable shower setup
- the ugly dark blue carpet and the ugly textured walls
- seasonal ant infestation
- bent window screens that let flying bugs in
- the crappy, er, vintage kitchen: hole in the roof of the microwave, crooked burner on the stove, weak garbage disposal that gets clogged way too easily, fridge without a light, ugly linoleum floor...
- having to buy all new light fixtures because the ones provided were miserably inadequate
- scary electrical outlets that work only if the plug is hanging at a certain angle (not a normal right angle)
- carefree midnight walks
- Wasatch mountains as backdrop
- Costa Azul turned Costa Vida, affectionately known simply as Costa
- giant sycamores in the "downtown" area
- Harold B. Lee Library
- wandering near the trainyards, again, without feeling threatened
- hearing train whistles at all hours of the night
- free New York Times on campus
- being able to walk to church
- four distinct seasons, even is autumn is brief and spring is schizophrenic
- low humidity - oh, how I prefer a Utah summer to a Maryland summer
- low cost of living (minuscule compared to SF bay)
- intellectual perks of being in a university community
- El Gallo Giro & Delipan - but the Mission District should make up for it. Taquería, here I come!
- it takes two hours on public transit to get to a decent-sized city
- infrequent and untimely buses (though they could be worse)
- minimal architectural interest
- singles stake leaders who think it's their job to make sure we don't leave Provo without getting married first
- the smell of Fast Food Row (Bulldog Blvd) on my walk to/from campus
- the electric fireworks at "The Corner"
- hearing or overhearing that so-and-so got married and whats-her-bucket got engaged, half a dozen times a day if out and about on campus
- no curbside recycling! to be fair, it is available for a mere $5/month, but not at the apartments I've lived in because of the way they are managed. it's sort of a pain to collect recyclables and cart them down to the dropoff site in south Provo. not that it's not worth it. recycling makes me feel happy.
- exploring the city
- seeing sights like these
- living near this guy
- SFMOMA and other major museums
- architecture
- convenient public transit
- La Taquería (best tacos north of the border)
- and the rest of the Mission/Little Mexico
- the hills
- views of the bay and the ocean
- plastic bag & bottled water bans (hooray!)
- liberal politics and plenty of treehuggers (okay maybe that's a stereotype but I hope it holds true!)
- artsy atmosphere
- did I mention the Mexican food? and Thai, and Indian, and Vietnamese...
- the prospect of meeting a cute, smart Stanford boy. hey, my sister did. and we all know that the only reason I'm going to California is to get married, right?
- um, it's San Francisco. duh.
- oh, and it's not Utah Valley. finally!
- high cost of living (and no job yet!)
- no more midnight walks
- the hills (walking up them)
- hmm, yep, that's all I can think of.
California, Californiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, here we coooooooooooommme!
(that's for you, BreeAnn, Claire, Anna-Lisa)
a little dissapointed that I didn't make the list...a little relieved that I didn't make the list...
um, you're not in utah. nor do i expect you to be a part of provo forever. nor are you a thing. therefore, you are not a "thing about provo" that i miss.
but if you're really concerned about it you should read between the lines where it says "el gallo giro & delipan," because you know i only ever went to those places with you.
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